About Susan

Susan Clayton is Administrator & Curator at Al’s in Center City.

I’m a mostly lifelong Minnesotan who has focused on local art and culture since grade school. I use my art history degrees every day, as an arts advocate in our rural community, and on site at our small town artisan shop. Everyone who comes through the door offers a unique viewpoint on Al’s glass, the arts, our town; I value the ongoing conversation.

Find a summary of my resume below ↓

Selected projects, that aren’t on the resume:

  • During college summers, I interned in my hometown at the Hibbing Historical Society. I had inspiring access to original sources, and received an education on the day-to-day of non-profits.
  • I started grad school with a class on exhibit design at Harvard University (and finished the rest at the University of St. Thomas.)
  • I wrote a series of essays for mnartists.org, receiving a lifetime favorite compliment when a critic I respected recommended my own article to me.

Al & I were matched in the last century, at college orientation, and have been friends ever since. We’re grateful for our Minnesota art life.

– Susan

Selfie inspiration with Erin Goedtel’s painting ↑